For everyone’s comfort, it is important that we work together for a good living environment.

Show consideration for your neighbours

Show consideration for each other regardless of the time of day, especially on weekdays between 10.00 p.m. – 06.00 a.m. and the weekends between 11.00 p.m. – 08.00 a.m. Of course, at some point you may have a party among good friends. Inform your neighbours, preferably a few days in advance, and remember that you are responsible for your guests.

If you are disturbed by your neighbour

Firstly, we recommend that you contact the neighbour directly. If the disturbance does not stop or if the disturbance is acute, please contact us and we will of course help.

Evenings, nights and weekends, you can report disturbances that are acute to our Trygghetsjour, we are currently collaborating with Securitas. We protect your information and do not disclose who has submitted a report.

In the event of a documented disturbance, the person who has caused the disturbance may be charged for the call-out.

A tenant who grossly or repeatedly violates our rules of conduct will receive a warning. If the tenant does take measures to correct their behaviour, their lease may be terminated.

Emergency services
+46 10- 470 57 00